Plumage Keeper



Take health, reproduction, lineage and feeding to the next level now! Thanks to technology advancements, artificial intelligence and the best advice.

Best Technology For

best results

Upgrade your bird breeding business to a whole new level of efficiency and success with Plumage Keeper software. With user-friendly features and state-of-the-art technology, you can effortlessly manage your flock like a pro and save valuable time in the process.

But that’s not all. Plumage Keeper software also provides detailed insights into your flock’s health with the help of advanced artificial intelligence and statistical analysis. This means that you can track your birds’ health and wellbeing with utmost precision, enabling you to make more informed decisions about their care and welfare.

By utilizing Plumage Keeper software, you can significantly improve the quality of your flock, resulting in a better return on investment. So why wait? Take the first step towards achieving your bird breeding goals and upgrade to Plumage Keeper software today.

The Unique

Plumage Keeper

Management System

Bird Management

Medical Records


Your benefits

with plumage keeper

With Plumage Keeper, you’ll enjoy a multitude of perks critical to the success of your farm. These benefits include, but aren’t limited to, streamlined record-keeping, increased efficiency in poultry management, and valuable insight into your flock’s health and behavior patterns. Plumage Keeper helps you stay ahead of the game in poultry farming, ensuring the long-term success of your operation.

Optimal performance

More efficient workflows

Ideal for farms & hobbyists

Professional advice

Clutches at a glance

Detailed statistics

*Feeding at a glance

Unrivalled technology

*Detailed statistics

Items marked with an * are being implemented and will be available in upcoming releases.

Consultation Registration

To schedule a free consultation, please complete the form below.